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Orthopedic oncologist Dr. Daniel Lerman explains dangers of cancers called sarcoma

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What you need to know about the 'forgotten cancer'

Sarcoma is a rare but treatable disease that is often referred to as the "forgotten cancer." It happens when malignant cells form in the bones or soft tissues of the body.

It's called the forgotten cancer because it's a relatively rare cancer. It's never the first thing that pops up in someone's mind or somebody's radar," says Dr. Daniel Lerman, an orthopedic surgeon with Colorado Limb Consultants at Presbyterian/Saint Luke's.

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Take Care: Sarcoma

Eddie Randle talks to an Orthopedic Oncologist at Presbyterian St. Luke's about Sarcoma, a cancer that originates in the muscular skeletal system.

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Denver Doctors Help South Dakota Woman Walk Again Thanks To Cutting Edge Procedure

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month. Dr. Daniel Lerman from the Sarah Cannon Institute at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s explains why it is known as the "forgotten" cancer.

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Denver Doctors Help South Dakota Woman Walk Again Thanks To Cutting Edge Procedure


Permanent Prosthesis Allows Father To Walk, Holding Hands With Daughter For First Time

After years in a wheelchair, an amputee from Basalt is thrilled to be walking with a new artificial leg. This one attaches directly to his thigh bone. Assaf Dory said the now fully FDA-approved procedure has given him his life back.

“It’s amazing,” Assaf told CBS4 Health Specialist Kathy Walsh.

He was able to walk side by side, holding the hand of his 11-year-old daughter, Mechal. It is something most parents take for granted, but not Assaf.

“I’ve never done that,” he said. “Today was actually the first time, ever.”

Assaf said, when he was a deputy sheriff in Florida, he shattered his leg in 2001. He has endured chronic pain, complex regional pain syndrome (CPRS) and eventually amputation above the knee. Pain using a prosthesis kept him in a wheelchair.

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After years of surgeries, Coloradan gets chance to walk with his daughter

There's Scott Gilbert, whose local Habitat For Humanity chapter built Assaf's house. The toilets are raised, the shower has a bench, the steps are closer together, Assaf can get around in his wheelchair. Once the place was done, Assaf sat in there for 45 minutes, the longest shower since at least his accident.

Then there's Steven Fotion, the gym owner and champion strongman who's trained Assaf to participate in those strength competitions. Mechal, Assaf's daughter, calls Steven her second dad. Despite the indescribable pain radiating from his back and the spot above his right knee where his leg ends, Assaf's found the weights motivate him to keep going, even if he can't move for days afterward. He'll tell himself that he can quit, that he can give it up, but only tomorrow. And every day has a new tomorrow.

Of course, there are the physicians -- plastic surgeon David Schnur, neurosurgeon Giancarlo Barolat-Romana and orthopedic oncologist Daniel Lerman, to name a few -- who gave him the closest thing to a replacement leg that medicine has to offer. He was among of the first handful of civilians in America to face the months-long process of sewing together body and prosthetic, a procedure given the appropriately sci-fi name of osseointegration.

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Haiti Quake Survivor Junior Tunis Now U.S. Soldier: ‘I’m Blessed, I’m Lucky To Be Here Today’

A young soldier, whose leg was crushed in the 2010 catastrophic earthquake in Haiti, was recently treated for a serious problem in that same leg. Junior Tunis said he is grateful to Dr. Daniel Lerman.

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Young Woman Tackles Tough Jobs One Year After Losing Half Her Knee To Rare Cancer

A young woman from Wellington is pulling weeds, watering plants and trimming bushes this summer. Landscaping is a tough job, but Katie Noble appreciates the outdoors after spending a year fighting a rare and aggressive cancer that took half of her knee.

It was cancer, synovial sarcoma, so rare, her orthopedic oncologist, Dr. Daniel Lerman, said Katie was about one in a million.

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Doctors Who Dream

I never wanted to need to meet these doctors. But, their investments in my life story have helped to build trusting relationships that prove I’m not just another broken body to fix. Their collaboration and dedication to whole-person-care are evidence of their desires for success to go beyond what appears to be fixed on an x-ray. Their dreams are bigger than that. Their dreams are for my life experience to be far greater than it might have been without their intervention.

All doctors have dreams, and many of those started when they were kids. For Dr. Lerman and Dr. Kareem Sobky, the dreams for their careers began as young boys, both watching the dedication and drive of parents and other family members to make positive impacts on the lives of others through their work efforts. Dr. Sobky says, “I’m a fifth-generation doctor. I’ve always admired and been motivated by my family’s history of caring for people. For me, success is performing an excellently executed surgery that results in my patient being able to live with less pain and more function.”

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Cowboy with Cancer Loses His Leg But Gets Back With His 'Soul Mate'

A year ago, a cowboy from Canon City lost his right leg to bone cancer. But Charles "Doc" Dison hasn’t let it stop him.

"It" was Doc’s right leg. At the Institute for Limb Preservation at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center (P/SL), Orthopedic Oncologist Dr. Daniel Lerman found cancer, osteosarcoma.

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Two Colorado doctors come up with novel procedure to fix pelvic bones weakened by radiation

DENVER — Something revolutionary is happening inside Denver's Presbyterian St. Luke's Hospital. Orthopedic Oncologist Dr. Daniel Lerman and Interventional Radiologist Tony Brown have come up with a novel procedure to address an issue where there was previously no answer.

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Press Release

Novel Surgical Technique: Percutaneous Pelvic Stabilization

[Denver, CO, February 19, 2020] Patients facing metastatic cancer now have a novel, minimally invasive solution to debilitating fractures and deterioration of the pelvis and/or sacrum. Daniel M Lerman, MD, at the Institute for Limb Preservation at Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center, along with Anthony C Brown, MD, interventional radiologist, are using the latest technology in 3D reconstruction imaging and augmented reality to perform percutaneous tumor ablation and skeletal fixation for pathologic fractures of the pelvis. Using unsurpassed accuracy and pinpoint incisions, they are able to improve patient’s pain, function and quality of life by eradicating the tumor and providing bony stability with the use of orthopedic screws and bone cement. Through a minimally invasive approach they are pioneering a solution for patients who previously had none and were ultimately crippled by cancer eroding their pelvis bone.

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